6 Tips for Helping You Decide if a Tree Should be Removed

Trees are a great addition to your property. But sometimes you need to have a tree removed in Clearwater FL. Below are six questions that you should ask to determine whether a tree should come in.

1. Is the Species Desirable?

Trees that are undesirable are things like poplars, Bradford pears, mimosa, willows, box elder, Siberian elm, black locust and others. Some of the things that make a tree undesirable are – frequent breakage due to weak wood, dropping a lot of debris, roots that are shallow that damage pavement and lawns and often being infested with insects or diseases because of the tree species.

2. Is the Tree Healthy?

If there is 50% or more of your tree being that’s damaged, probably you should eliminate it. A declining tree can often survive for a lot of years but it’s always going to have abnormal or limited appearance and growth. Trees that have storm damage, herbicide damaged often will have leaves that are misshapen, but they can frequently recover.

3. Is the Trunk Damaged?

Seams, vertical cracks, older large wounds, and stubs of dead branches can mean that there is internal decay. Severe main trunk damage often means that you should remove your tree. If the area of damage is under 25% of the trunk’s circumference, that would could heal over gradually and there shouldn’t be any permanent injury.

4. Is Your Tree Hollow?

Because the tree’s phloem and xylem, which is the tree’s life support tissue, is on the trunk’s outer edges, a lot of trees can live for a long time even when their trunk is hollow. But the problem is that the trunk’s strength can be compromised so that the tree becomes dangerous. If 1/3 of the tree’s interior is rotten or hollow, chances are you should remove it.

5. Are There Huge Branches That are Dead?

Big trees that have big damaged limbs or broken tops will be dangerous to property and people. If under 25% of the tree’s branches have been damaged, it’s a good chance that your tree will survive. Rubbing or crossed branches need to be removed.

6. Is One of the Tree’s Sides Full of Dead Branches?

If this is the case, your tree is lopsided and could be dangerous. When there are dead branches on one side of your tree, there could be trunk or root damage on that side. You should have your tree evaluated by an experienced arborist.

These are six questions that can help you with determining whether or not you should have your tree removed. You want to keep your family and property safe and depending on the problem with the tree, it can be dangerous. So you want to make sure that your trees are healthy and safe.